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Distributed Annotation System (DAS) 1.6

DAS 1.6 is, as of 19th October 2010, the latest official version of the DAS specification.

It is the first official version published in several years, and aims to:

  • clarify ambiguities in the previous DAS specification
  • better reflect how DAS is being used in the community today
  • better reflect the use of DAS beyond the genome-centric arena (protein sequences and structures)
  • ratify commands from the 1.53E spec
  • introduce some ideas inspired by DAS/2
  • formally introduce the DAS registry
  • migrate from the use of DTDs for describing the XML formats to RelaxNG

The DAS specification is a technical document but with some effort should hopefully be readable and understandable by people without a deep understanding of broader technical issues and other system architectures. That is, it makes only basic assumptions.

The specification was developed via progression through a number of drafts:


DAS 1.6 in Dazzle

DAS 1.6 Development and Tutorials

Dazzle Example Adaptor

Below is an example adaptor plugin for the Dazzle DAS server. It follows the 1.6 spec and is compliant with the DAS Registry.

Subversion develpment repository http://www.derkholm.net/svn/repos/dazzle/branches/16Dazzle See class org.biojava.servlets.dazzle.datasource.SimpleFile16ExampleSource for a datasource that conforms to the new 1.6 Spec.

<datasource id="test16genes" jclass="org.biojava.servlets.dazzle.datasource">
     <string name="name" value="16 File Test" />
     <string name="description" value="Data source for testing 1.6 heirachy structure" />
     <string name="version" value="1.0" /> 
     <string name="fileName" value="test16genes.txt" />

     <string name="stylesheet" value="test16.style" />

Note: Older style adapters/datasources can be used in the new 16Dazzle and will be converted to the new 1.6 specification (you may need to add a allTypes method). However you will miss out on some of the advantages of the new spec if you update your source by this method rather than extending one of the new 16 classes.

The new Dazzle implements the single Data Source sources.xml request: blah/das/myDataSourceName. The current implementation relies on on a valid sources.xml document being available and then parses the appropriate section from this document in response to a request.

The das registry also now responds to these requests e.g. http://www.dasregistry.org/das/DS_109