-Write back for DAS2 http://biodas.org/documents/das2/das2_writeback.html for DAS1.5 http://code.google.com/p/daswriteback/ at the bottom of this page is a link to the masters thesis on this as well. Is there any more recent stuff on this from Gustavo, other than the reams of emails on the das list... Andy?
-Ontologies http://www.dasregistry.org/extension_ontology.jsp
-1.53 Extensions - http://www.dasregistry.org/spec_1.53E.jsp links to the main extensions including sources (taken from DAS2 http://biodas.org/documents/das2/das2_get.html#sources_overview), alignment, structure, interaction and volmap.
-hierarchy's - nothing for DAS1 for DAS2: http://biodas.org/documents/das2/das2_get.html#features_detailed
-style sheets http://www.biodas.org/wiki/Spec_Review#Stylesheet_Command
-date formats, date of annotations http://www.dasregistry.org/extension_timestamp.jsp
-next feature/ previous feature cmd.
-GFF3 as a standard within DAS?
-"UCSC sources filtered by types" implementation catered for in the DAS Registry
currently there is nothing implemented in the registry for this - also "wait" response from DAS Servers...