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Proposals for DAS 1.6 Extensions to be added after the 1.6 spec has been officially released.

DAS writeback

June 10,2009

This is a working document and a proposal for an extension to the DAS specification in order to support writeback capabilities. A writeback server should have, at least, the methods for the basic reading/writing operations, which in Databases is recognized as CRUD(Create, Read, Update and Delete). The reading component is already solved for the DAS protocol, even is possible to affirm that all the current commands in the specification are reading commands for different kind of information.

One or more Writeback servers can be associated to a coordinate system, however just one coordinate system can be handle for a writeback source, and in such a way be sure to identify the feature with the correct segment of the right specie.

DAS is partially following the concepts of RESTful services, and that is the reason why most of this proposal is inspired in the RESTful concept of Uniform Interface, which means that all the resources should be manipulated using a predefined set of operations. DAS use HTTP(see RFC2616) as its communication protocol, therefore the logic Uniform Interface for DAS is the use of the HTTP methods PUT, GET, POST and DELETE to access the 4 CRUD operations. Next, is explained the proposed details to use this methods with DAS, but first a description of the das writeback document.

DAS Writeback Document

The document used for all the methods is an XML-formatted "DASGFF" document. All the information of an annotation to create/edit could be supplied using this format, which implies that the implementation of this extension is dependent of the DAS version implemented. All the elements of this format are explained in the DAS specification An example of the Document is below, and as it will be explained later the same format could be used for the input or the output of one of the HTTP methods. Extra information can be required depending of the implementation as metadata of the operation. For those cases the element NOTE should be used in a notation KEY=VALUE. In the example below this notation is used to represent the OpenId of the user who sent or is sending this feature to the server.

<?xml version="1.0" standalone='no'?>
<!DOCTYPE DASGFF SYSTEM "http://www.biodas.org/dtd/dasgff.dtd">
 <GFF version="1.0" href="http://www.ebi.ac.uk/das-srv/uniprot/das/uniprot/features?segment=P05067">
   <SEGMENT id="P05067" start="1" stop="770" version="7dd43312cd29a262acdc0517230bc5ca">
      <FEATURE id="UNIPROTKB_P05067_KEYWORD_Disease" label="Disease mutation">
       <TYPE id="BS:01019" category="inferred by curator (ECO:0000001)">disease</TYPE>
       <METHOD id="UniProt">UniProt</METHOD>
       <LINK href="http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P05067">http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P05067</LINK>
       <NOTE>Adding a new feature!</NOTE>

HTTP METHODS (DAS writeback methods)


The HTTP method POST should be used to create a feature in the server. The writeback document should be sent to the server in a POST variable called content . The server should create an identifier for this feature. This id should be the URI formed by the concatenation of the URL of the writeback server and some unique number for the server(a consecutive number). The response should be based in the HTTP headers of the DAS specification. (i.e. 200 OK, 500 Server error, etc.). The content of the response should be a GFFDAS format with the information that was created in the database therefore if everything is correct the response will be almost the same that the input document. The only difference will be the metainformation added for the server as notes, for example

<NOTE>DATE=2009-06-10 18:11:30.672644</NOTE>


The behavior of the method PUT is very similar to the described for POST. However in this case the writeback document is the content itsel of the request(i.e. Is not embedded in any parameter). An important difference is the management of the id, which is defined as the value in the field id of the element FEATURE if this value is a valid URI, otherwise is the URI formed by the base URL in the field href concatenated with the value in the field id of the element FEATURE. For example for the same writeback document of above the id in the element FEATURE will be:

<FEATURE id="http://www.ebi.ac.uk/das-srv/uniprot/das/uniprot/features/UNIPROTKB_P05067_KEYWORD_Disease" label="Disease mutation">

The response should follow the same rules as the POST method.


The DELETE method doesn't require a writeback document for the input, because in order to DELETE a feature is just necessary to identify it. The identification of a feature will be reconstructed by its id and the id of the segment where it will be deleted. The openid is also require for this transaction. The format of the HTTP connection should be:

DELETE [server]?featureid=[featureid]&user=[openid]&segmentid=[segmentid]

A successful response SHOULD be 200 (OK) if the response includes an entity describing the status, 202 (Accepted) if the action has not yet been enacted, or 204 (No Content) if the action has been enacted but the response does not include an entity. The content of the response should be in the same GFF format but the parameter label of the element FEATURE should be DELETED as in:

<FEATURE id="http://writeback/92" label="DELETED">


All the commands of reading in the DAS specification should Apply here, however the deleted features should be also included here(in the same format as explained above) and is the client who decide how to used this information. There is an extra command that a writeback source should implement:

Historical Command

Retrieve all the versions that the writeback has for an specific feature.

Scope: Writeback servers.

Command: historical



Description: This query returns all the versions for an specific feature embedded in its respective segment(s).


feature (required; one)
URL identifier of a particular feature in the writeback.

Here is an example of a valid request:



The document returned from the features request is an XML-formatted "DASGFF" document.


<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE DASGFF SYSTEM "http://www.biodas.org/dtd/dasgff.dtd">
 <GFF version="1.0" href="http://localhost:8080/MyDas/das/writeback/historical?feature=http://writeback/9">
   <SEGMENT id="P05067" start="1" stop="770" version="7dd43312cd29a262acdc0517230bc5ca">
     <FEATURE id="http://writeback/9" label="Disease mutation">
       <TYPE id="BS:01019" category="inferred by curator (ECO:0000001)">disease</TYPE>
       <METHOD id="1">UniProt</METHOD>
       <NOTE>testing note</NOTE>
       <NOTE>DATE=2009-05-25 14:22:39.705735</NOTE>
       <LINK href="http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P05067">http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P05067</LINK>
     <FEATURE id="http://writeback/9" label="DELETED">
       <TYPE id="" category="" />
       <METHOD />
       <NOTE>DATE=2009-06-10 17:58:11.83588</NOTE>

User Authentication

The control of who is authorized or not to made modification in the writeback is an source implementation issue, however the authentication of the user should be done using OpenId as seen in the examples above the openid user should be sent through the NOTE element:


DAS search

Support for alternative content formats

Use of URIs for DAS identifiers