RFC008 Title: DAS Visualization Server Author: Alex Rolfe Dependencies: Directory Services Version: 1 Date: 20 August 2001 The DAS/1 protocol includes a Stylesheet request which allows the annotation server to provide hints as to how to display annotations. There are two problems: 1) The annotation server should be concerned only with annotation data. It should not play any role in visualization as this breaks the abstraction between the underlying data and the its presentation. 2) The client is left to do most of the visualization work (e.g. scrolling, rendering, deciding which features are visible at some). Some clients might wish to access DAS data without implementing a full DAS rendering engine. A better approach might involve a third type of DAS server strictly for visualization. The annotation server would no longer respond to a Stylesheet request; instead, the visualization server would be responsible for Stylesheet and other visualization requests. The visualization server could provide more complex services such as static rendering of annotations. A client would wrap a features request in a visualization request. The visualization request could also specify the desired response format: static image (jpeg, png, etc) or perhaps and applet that can show the data (e.g. an omniview applet). The visualization server would retreive the features from an annotation server of its choosing (probably a local server to ensure reasonable performance) and return a rendering in the desired format. The server could reject any part of the request. It might refuse to access a particular data source (i.e. it will only access a local annotation server) or it might not provide responses in a certain format. The visualization server could be implemented in the same software as an annotation server (just as the reference and annotation servers can be the same software). In either case, the server would be registered as being a DAS visualization server in whatever Directory Services system is used, making it easy for clients to find.